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This site offers an introduction to a way of understanding the dynamics, repeating patterns and hidden resources in life, in intimate relationships and at work.
Many of the challenges that we face in our lives, our intimate relationships and work, emerge as a result of the complex web of connections back into the relationship systems in which we have belonged and played a part. These long threads, many of which are just out of our conscious awareness, create hidden loyalties and dynamics that can resource or entangle us. We feel the effects of the dynamics, but don’t know where they come from or how to access or change them.
When we can illuminate the source of these dynamics we find fresh paths to clarity, resource and lasting resolution.
Life, love and work can flow.
This site offers opportunities to explore the hidden architecture of the relationship systems in which you have belonged in two ways: the articles explore the way system dynamics impact life, relationships and the world of work and the workshops offer opportunities to get an embodied sense of our inner relationship with a number of topics and the dynamics hidden within them.
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